Author Archives: Han Wang

GISS Activities on Day 5 of AAG 2024

Welcome to the last day of AAG 2024! The GISS Specialty Group will sponsor the following sessions on Day 5! Enjoy the conference!

GeoAI Deep Learning Symposium: GeoAI for Feature Detection and Recognition – Part III

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: GeoAI for Spatial Analytics and Modeling

Geospatial AI and Informatics for Urban & Ecosystems Analytics 1

Digital geographies: Migration. Method. Policy.

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: GeoHealth Data Science

Geospatial AI and Informatics for Urban & Ecosystems Analytics 2

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Advances in multitemporal remote sensing for terrestrial ecosystems 1

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Advances in multitemporal remote sensing for terrestrial ecosystems 2

GISS Activities on Day 4 of AAG 2024

Welcome to Day 4 of AAG 2024! The GISS Specialty Group will sponsor the following sessions on Day 4! Enjoy the conference!

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: A repeatable, reproducible, and expandable (RRE) framework integrating GeoAI and spatiotemporal simulation – Series II

Diverse Perspectives in Geography: Examining Space Through the Lenses of Disability

Geography and Data Science for Public Good II: Data-Driven Evidence and Solutions to Social and Spatial Inequalities.

Advancing health research: Harnessing geospatial big data and geoanalytical techniques

Environmental Data Deserts 1: Understanding the Causes and Consequences of the Unequal Coverage of Environmental Monitoring Networks

Geography and Data Science for Public Good III: Data-Driven Evidence and Solutions to Social and Spatial Inequalities.

Error and Change Analysis in GIS and Remote Sensing

Geospatial Approaches to Mobility and Health Issues: Under-examined Cities (Symposium on Geospatial Approaches to Pressing Grand Challenges: Global Pandemics, Climate Change, and Food Security)

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: A repeatable, reproducible, and expandable (RRE) framework integrating GeoAI and spatiotemporal simulation – Series I

Environmental perception and spatial behavior

Geography and Data Science for Public Good: Data-Driven Evidence and Solutions to Social and Spatial Inequalities.

GISS Activities on Day 3 of AAG 2024

Welcome to Day 3 of AAG 2024! The GISS Specialty Group will sponsor the following sessions on Day 3! Enjoy the conference!

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Navigating Cities – Exploring Human Mobility through Innovative Geospatial Science Approaches

Exploring Geospatial Methods and Human Dynamics to Address Challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3: Methods to Support the SDGs

Place & the Social-Spatial Determinants of Health Symposium 2

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Geospatial Platform for Sustainability Research and Education

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: GeoAI for Sustainable and Computational Agriculture I

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: GeoAI for Sustainable and Computational Agriculture II

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: The Geospatial Component in the Decarbonization of Net-zero Emissions Energy Systems

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium – Responsible GeoAI I: Privacy and Fairness

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Multiscale Mapping That Works: Harnessing Intelligent Methods for Cartographic Display and Analysis

Exploring Geospatial Methods and Human Dynamics to Address Challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2: Sustainable Development

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium – Responsible GeoAI II: Justice and Accuracy

GISS-SG Student Honors Paper Competition

Place & the Social-Spatial Determinants of Health Symposium 1

GISS Activities on Day 2 of AAG 2024

The GISS Speciality Group is thrilled to sponsor the following exciting sessions on Day 2 of AAG 2024! Please join these sessions and enjoy the conference!

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Data-intensive Geospatial Understanding for Sustainability Solutions

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: GeoAI for Science and the Science of GeoAI

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Embedding Ethics in Geospatial Data Science and AI

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Ethics in Geospatial AI and Data Science

Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group Business Meeting

GIS&S Reception

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Convergence Curriculum for Geospatial Data Science

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: AI for Earth Observation

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: GeoAI for Feature Detection and Recognition — Part I

Characterizing Urban Human-Environment Interactions across Space and Time using Geospatial Big Data

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium – GeoAI for Feature Detection and Recognition — Part II

GIScience and Hazards

GISS Activities on Day 1 of AAG 2024

Welcome to Day 1 of AAG 2024! The GISS Specialty Group will sponsor the following sessions on Day 1! Enjoy the conference!

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities of Spatial Accessibility 2

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: Spatially Explicit Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence III

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: GeoAI and Social Sensing for Human-Pandemic Dynamics Ⅰ

Geospatial Monitoring of Natural and Managed Ecosystems

Mapping and Analyzing Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Brazil

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: CyberGIS and Spatial Decision Support System

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: GeoAI and Social Sensing for Human-Pandemic Dynamics Ⅱ

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: GeoAI Foundation Models

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Harnessing Mobility Data for Spatial Knowledge Discovery

Actionable Ethics in Cartography

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: Spatially Explicit Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence I

Lifecourse and Exposome-Based Research in Geospatial Health Applications I

AAG 2024 Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities of Spatial Accessibility 1

GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium: Spatially Explicit Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence II

Lifecourse and Exposome-Based Research in Geospatial Health Applications II

Panel: Spatial Data Science in an Age of Scientific Disruption – A Curriculum