GISS Board of Directors 2020 Election Results

Dear GISS specialty group members,
Hope you are doing well! It is with great pleasure that we announce the winners of this year’s GISS election!

  • Bandana Kar (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) will be succeeding to Chair, following her 2-year term as Vice-Chair 

Please welcome our new officers: 

  • Ran Wei as Vice-Chair (University of California, Riverside)
  • Song Gao as Academic Director (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
  • Lei Zou as Communications Director (Texas A & M, College Station)
  • Jordan Burnes as Commercial Director (NiyamIT)
  • Emily Zvolanek as Government Director (Argonne National Laboratory)
  • Avipsa Roy as student director  (Arizona State University)

Congratulations to these new officers and we look forward to the service they will provide our community! Thanks to all those  who expressed their willingness to serve the GISS community in this election.  We are also deeply thankful for the outgoing officers for their service and dedication to the specialty group. It has truly been a pleasure working with all of you.

This is also marks the end of my term as Chair of GISS. It has been a pleasure serving this community and I feel we accomplished many important things including modernizing the constitution (which was last modified in 1988). I want to extend a special thanks to Zachary Christman for his dedication both as a chair but particularly as the chair emeritus who worked along side me through the last 2 years. His contributions, guidance, and encouragement were indispensable. I look forward to working alongside Dr. Kar in her term as Chair as she moves GISS forward over the coming years.

Thanks for your service and collaboration, and I am always glad to continue to offer guidance and support in the years ahead. 


Robert Stewart

Chair, AAG Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group

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