GISS Activities on Day 3 of AAG 2022

Welcome to Day 3 of AAG 2022! The GISS Specialty Group will sponsor the following sessions on Day 3! Enjoy the conference!

08:00-09:20Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Data-Intensive Spatial Modeling for Complex Geographic ProblemsRebecca Vandewalle, Shaowen Wang
08:00-09:20Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Scale and Spatial Associations (Part I)Yongze Song
09:40-11:00Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Scale and Spatial Associations (Part II)Yongze Song
11:20-12:40Uncertainties in Big Data Analytics in Disaster ResearchBandana Kar
14:00-15:20Panel: Is Artificial Intelligence good for Geography?Renee Sieber
14:00-15:20Panel: Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding: Foundations and FundamentalsShaowen Wang
15:40-17:00Panel: Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: CyberGIS-enabled spatial epidemiologyXun Shi
15:40-17:00Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Human mobility in Big Data Era IYuqin Jiang
17:20-18:40Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Human mobility in Big Data Era IIYuqin Jiang


GISS Activities on Day 2 of AAG 2024

The GISS Speciality Group is thrilled to sponsor the following exciting sessions on Day 2 of AAG 2024! Please join these sessions and enjoy the conference!

E.T.RoomSession TitleTypeChair
08:00-09:20Virtual 3Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Recent Progress in the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)PaperZiqi Li
08:00-09:20Virtual 16Emerging Vehicle Technologies and Services: Geographies of DiffusionPaperScott Kelley
08:00-09:20Virtual 39Symposium on Human Dynamics Research & Geospatial Health Symposium #11: Human Mobility and Urban Dynamics in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era 1 (Hybrid)PaperAtsushi Nara
08:00-09:20Virtual 52Information Session: Welcome to Summer SeriesPanelJulaiti Nilupaer
09:40-11:00Virtual 4Symposium on Human Dynamics Research & Geospatial Health Symposium #12: Human Mobility and Urban Dynamics in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era 2 (Virtual)PaperAtsushi Nara
09:40-11:00Virtual 34Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Multi-Scale Visualization, Analytics and ModelingPaperYi Qiang
09:40-11:00Virtual 40Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Space-Place GIScience Framework Panel SessionPanelLing Bian
11:20-12:40Virtual 5Symposium on Human Dynamics Research & Geospatial Health Symposium #13: Human Mobility and Urban Dynamics in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era 3 (Virtual)PaperAtsushi Nara
14:00-15:20Virtual 3Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Geospatial Artificial Intelligence and Deep LearningPaperNattapon Jaroenchai
14:00-15:20Virtual 28Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Scales of Vulnerability, Resilience and Disaster Risk AssessmentPaperJinwen Xu
15:40-17:00Virtual 2Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Explainable AI in GeographyPaperJin Xing
15:40-17:00Virtual 46Urban Computational Paradigms with Shareable Data, Models, Tools, and FrameworksPaperXiao Huang
17:20-18:40Virtual 1Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Data-Intensive GeographyPaperRebecca Vandewalle
17:20-18:40Virtual 45Tobler Lecture and Transactions in GIS Plenary PresentationsPaperJohn Wilson


GISS Specialty Group Activities at AAG 2022

As we are nearing the 2022 Annual meeting of AAG, we wanted to highlight the sessions that the Geographic Information Systems and Science Specialty Group (GISSG) is sponsoring this year. Despite the virtual format of the conference, the GISSG will host and co-host 57 sessions. Highlights include the following:

Tobler Lecture Series – This is the GISS Specialty Group’s signature lecture series. This session will feature two back-to-back presentations by two leading geographic information science scholars, Dr. Trisalyn Nelson from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Dr. Clio Andris from the Georgia Institute of Technology. The speakers will highlight the current and future of GIScience through their research work. While the Tobler Lecture Series honors Waldo Tobler, who made a series of seminal contributions to analytical cartography over a career spanning more than 40 years, the Transactions in GIS Plenary showcases the best work by geographers in advancing the fundamental guiding principles and impact of geographic information science.

GI Science & Systems Student Honors Paper Competition – The Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group (GISS-SG) of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) is pleased to announce the 2022 Honors Competition for Student Papers on Geographic Information Science topics to be presented at the annual meeting. The purpose of this competition is to promote scholarship and written and oral presentations by students in the field of GIS. This year, five students will share their recent research in this competition. Please join this session to support the five outstanding student finalists!

Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS – There are eighteen sessions organized as part of this symposium that focus on the application of AI and CyberGIS in geography research.  Those technologies are able to help researchers to dig out patterns and connections between people’s behaviors and geographic locations from various data sources. Those sessions also highlight the role of AI and CyberGIS in understanding, modeling, and visualizing geography-related research.

Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling – This symposium will also host seven sessions that focus on the associations between scale and spatial pattern research. Meanwhile, those sessions also explore the role of scale in spatial analysis, visualization, and risk assessment.

Symposium on Human Dynamics Research & Geospatial Health – There are seven sessions organized as part of this symposium that focus on human mobility and urban dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides, those sessions also highlight the role of big data in mining human dynamics.

Advances in Agricultural Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence – Climate change and increased climate variability have posed great challenges to food security given the continuously increasing global population. With the recent advances in remote sensing technologies, new satellite missions and remote sensing datasets keep emerging. The developments of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, along with geospatial big data of various spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions, have unprecedentedly enabled us to better understand the dynamics of natural and human-induced processes in agricultural systems.

Geospatial Health Research Symposium: Geography, Substance Use, and Addiction – Addiction is a chronic brain disease that can alter cognitive functioning, mood, and behavior, with negative effects on multiple health outcomes. Those sessions focus on the geographic topics relating to substance use and addiction.

Spatiotemporal disease mapping and analysis – The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has stimulated extensive research in spatiotemporal disease mapping and analysis, including a flood of dashboards visualizing disease spread over space and time via Web and mobile applications. Those sessions focus on mapping and analyzing spatiotemporal health outcomes and behaviors.

The complete information of sessions sponsored by the GISS Specialty Group is listed below:

37082/2509:40- 11:00Virtual 5Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Reproducibility and Replicability in GeographyPanelPeter Kedron
31022/2508:00-09:15Virtual 38Advances in Agricultural Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence 1PaperZijun Yang
33892/2514:00-15:20Virtual 7Advances in Agricultural Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence 2PaperZijun Yang
26432/2515:40-17:00Virtual 5Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Mining Human Dynamics with Big DataPaperGuiming Zhang
49352/2517:20-18:40Virtual 69Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group Business MeetingPanelBandana Kar
32762/2517:20-18:40Virtual 67Disaster Disruptions and DisplacementPaperLaura Siebeneck
27242/2608:00-09:20Virtual 39Symposium on Human Dynamics Research & Geospatial Health Symposium #11: Human Mobility and Urban Dynamics in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era 1 (Hybrid)PaperAtsushi Nara
29112/2608:00-09:20Virtual 16Emerging Vehicle Technologies and Services: Geographies of DiffusionPaperScott Kelley
28902/2608:00-09:20Virtual 3Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Recent Progress in the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)PaperZiqi Li
49162/2608:00-09:20Virtual 52Information Session: Welcome to Summer SeriesPanelJulaiti Nilupaer
27382/2609:40-11:00Virtual 4Symposium on Human Dynamics Research & Geospatial Health Symposium #12: Human Mobility and Urban Dynamics in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era 2 (Virtual)PaperAtsushi Nara
29132/2609:40-11:00Virtual 40Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Space-Place GIScience Framework Panel SessionPanelLing Bian
28472/2609:40-11:00Virtual 34Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Multi-Scale Visualization, Analytics and ModelingPaperYi Qiang
35452/2611:20-12:40Virtual 5Symposium on Human Dynamics Research & Geospatial Health Symposium #13: Human Mobility and Urban Dynamics in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era 3 (Virtual)PaperAtsushi Nara
33882/2614:00-15:20Virtual 3Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Geospatial Artificial Intelligence and Deep LearningPaperNattapon Jaroenchai
29452/2614:00-15:20Virtual 28Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Scales of Vulnerability, Resilience and Disaster Risk AssessmentPaper Jinwen Xu
26562/2615:40-17:00Virtual 46Urban Computational Paradigms with Shareable Data, Models, Tools, and FrameworksPaper Xiao Huang
29572/2615:40-17:00Virtual 2Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Explainable AI in GeographyPaperJin Xing
33942/2617:20-18:40Virtual 1Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Data-Intensive GeographyPaperRebecca Vandewalle
37432/2617:20-18:40Virtual 45Tobler Lecture and Transactions in GIS Plenary PresentationsPaperJohn Wilson
34012/2708:00-09:20Virtual 6Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Data-Intensive Spatial Modeling for Complex Geographic ProblemsPaperRebecca Vandewalle
30342/2708:00-09:20Virtual 3Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Scale and Spatial Associations (Part I)PaperYongze Song
34352/2709:40-11:00Virtual 4Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Scale and Spatial Associations (Part II)PaperYongze Song
29192/2711:20-12:40Virtual 11Uncertainties in Big Data Analytics in Disaster ResearchPaperEdwin Chow
37492/2714:00-15:20Virtual 9Is Artificial Intelligence good for Geography?PanelJeremy Crampton
33902/2714:00-15:20Virtual 63Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding: Foundations and FundamentalsPanelShaowen Wang
33912/2715:40-17:00Virtual 64Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: CyberGIS-enabled spatial epidemiologyPanelRebecca Vandewalle
27072/2715:40-17:00Virtual 58Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Human mobility in Big Data Era IPaperYuqin Jiang
30932/2717:20-18:40Virtual 59Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Human mobility in Big Data Era IIPaperYuqin Jiang
29702/2808:00-09:20Virtual 50New GIS Service Models for Higher EducationPanelDavid Cowen
33822/2808:00-09:20Virtual 62Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Convergence of CyberGIS and Geospatial AIPanelShaowen Wang
28912/2808:00-09:20Virtual 2Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Scaling and Analysis on Urban Big DataPaperQunshan Zhao
32342/2808:00-09:20Virtual 56Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Emerging Themes in a Post-pandemic EraPaperHui Luan
31072/2809:40-11:00Virtual 61Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Computation and Uncertainty of Spatial AccessibilityPaperAlexander Michels
34632/2809:40-11:00Virtual 3Symposium on Scale in Spatial Analytics and Modeling: Scale and Spatial Associations (Part III)PaperYongze Song
34512/2809:40-11:00Virtual 46Spatiotemporal disease mapping and analysis (II)PaperEric Delmelle
34682/2811:20-12:40Virtual 59Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Advanced CyberGISPaperRebecca Vandewalle
38432/2814:00-15:20Virtual 48GI Science & Systems Student Honors Paper Competition (Hybrid)PaperSong Gao
29212/2814:00-15:20Virtual 14Risk Communication and ResiliencePaperJoslyn Zale
29202/2815:40-17:00Virtual 13GIS methods to analyze land changePaperJoslyn Zale
30642/2815:40-17:00Virtual 46Land change detection, quantification, and modelingPaperAiyin Zhang
26782/2817:20-18:40Virtual 50Methods to analyze a time series of land cover mapsPaperThomas Bilintoh
34642/2817:20-18:40Virtual 56 Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Education Advances and ChallengesPaperRebecca Vandewalle
25943/108:00-09:20Virtual 21Role of GIS in planning smart and resilient cities IPaperAvipsa Roy
30193/108:00-09:20Virtual 35Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: GeoAI – Intelligent Geospatial AnalyticsPaperDi Zhu
38043/109:40-11:00Virtual 24Integrating Earth observations, Internet of Things, and simulations to enhance air quality prediction across scalesPaperManzhu Yu
30333/109:40-11:00Virtual 16Geospatial Health Research Symposium: Geography, Substance Use and Addiction 1PaperKathleen Stewart
29733/109:40-11:00Virtual 14Role of GIS in planning smart and resilient cities IIPaperAvipsa Roy
30763/109:40-11:00Virtual 36Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: GeoAI in Remote SensingPaperXiaopeng Song
33573/111:20-12:40Virtual 21Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: UCGIS GeoAI & CyberGIS Research Initiative- GeoAI and CyberGIS for Advancing Spatial Decision MakingPaperYingjie Hu
32743/111:20-12:40Virtual 17Geospatial Health Research Symposium: Geography, Substance Use and Addiction 2PaperKathleen Stewart
30943/114:00-15:20Virtual 20Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Urban Visual IntelligencePaperYuhao Kang
33923/114:00-15:20Virtual 2Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Human-centered spatial decision support systemsPanelZhe Zhang
Virtual 21Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: GeoAI for Social SensingPaperSong Gao
29643/117:20-18:40Virtual 18Geospatial Artificial Intelligence for Natural HazardsPaperBo Peng
28303/117:20-18:40Virtual 3Geospatial Health Symposium #8: Applications, Innovations, and Challenges to Explore Human Mobility and Environmental ContextsPaperHanlin Zhou
33183/117:20-18:40Virtual 57Symposium on Data-Intensive Geospatial Understanding in the Era of AI and CyberGIS: Harnessing Mobility Data for Spatial Knowledge DiscoveryPaperXiang Chen

2022 AAG-GISS Student Honors Paper Competition

AAG Meeting: New York City and Virtual – February 25 – March 1, 2022

The Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group (GISS-SG) of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) is pleased to announce the 2022 Honors Competition for Student Papers on Geographic Information Science topics to be presented at the annual meeting. The purpose of this competition is to promote scholarship and written and oral presentations by students in the field of GIS. Papers are invited from current graduate and undergraduate students on any topic in geographical information systems and geographic information science.

Any paper that advances any aspect of GIS is welcome. We encourage papers on theoretical, conceptual, and methodological developments in GIS as well as on particular innovative GIS applications. Papers must be based upon original work, completed as an undergraduate or graduate student, relevant to the field of GIS and current GIS research. Papers must be mainly written by the applicant, but having co-authors is allowed. Students who are selected as finalists will be placed in a special session at the annual meeting. The only exception is a student who is also selected as a Nystrom Dissertation Award finalist, in which case, he or she may present in the Nystrom paper session instead.

Enhancing diversity, promoting inclusion, and broadening participation in the discipline of geography are goals that are central to the AAG and its mission. We strongly encourage female students and students in underrepresented groups in geography to participate in this competition.


October 28, 2021 – extended abstract and registration PIN due to Dr. Song Gao at

February 1, 2022 – for finalists, full paper due to Dr. Song Gao at

Note:  prior to extended abstract submission you must submit your conference abstract on the AAG website at which point you will obtain your PIN. This year AAG also provides a choice of virtual participation. 


Up to five finalists (one session) will be selected including 2 undergraduate and 3 graduate students on the basis of the quality of extended abstracts and provided with an award of $200 each to present at the conference (in person or virtual). The extended abstract no longer than 5 pages demonstrating GIS novel methods, toolkits, or applications of GIS to solve a real-world problem is used by the GISS-SG Awards Committee to choose the competition finalists. Finalists must submit a paper of a substantive nature that constitutes an expanded discussion of the material to be presented orally at the annual meeting. Subsequent to the oral presentations by the finalists, there will be special awards for the 1st and 2nd-place presenters. The prizes of $500 for 1st place and $250 for 2nd place in the graduates group and $500 for 1st place in the undergraduates group will be determined immediately following the special presentation session.

The awards committee reserves the right to not offer such prizes if the papers are not of sufficiently high quality. The 1st and 2nd-place awards are decided on the basis of the written paper and the oral presentation. They will also receive tickets to attend the AAG Awards Luncheon, and results of the competition will be published in the AAG Newsletter and the GISS-SG newsletter, as well as on the specialty group’s web page.


The competition is open to students at all academic levels. Any paper first-authored and presented by a student is eligible for the competition, provided the paper has not already been published or presented somewhere. There is no limitation on the number of co-authors, however, the applicant student is required to be the first author.

Applicants must be a current member of the AAG GISS Specialty Group (GISS-SG). For instructions on how to become a member of the Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group, simply contact the AAG. There are no student dues for the GISS-SG.


Extended abstracts and written papers will be judged by the GISS-SG Awards Committee (Chair, Vice Chair, Academic Director, Communications Director, and Student Director) on several criteria: potential contribution to the field of GIS, originality, appropriate use of methodology, scholarship, organization, and written composition. The oral presentation of papers will be judged on professional delivery, organization, clarity, and appropriate use of graphics. Judging will take into account the academic level of the applicants.


Up to five competition finalists will be notified by November 2, 2021. Each finalist will be asked to submit a written paper of about 4,000 words, expanding on the material in the extended abstract.

This paper will be due no later than February 1, 2022. Details about the final written paper are provided lower on this page.


To be considered for participation in the GIS paper competition, an extended abstract must be submitted (about 1000 words, no more than 5 pages including figures; references don’t count to the page limit) (12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and single-spaced lines). Applicants must clearly indicate that they wish to be considered for the GISS-SG Student Paper Competition. All submissions not accepted for the competition by the awards committee will be incorporated into the AAG meeting program in other sessions.

Students can use the WORD Template or Latex Template for extended abstract submissions.

Applicants must also submit an AAG participant number which is issued when successfully registering for the AAG meeting (in other words, you must register for the AAG virtual meeting and submit a short abstract using the AAG’s registration website, before submitting your longer abstract to the GISS-SG competition). The extended abstract and participant code (PIN) are due to the GISS-SG Academic Director. Please send abstracts with [GISS-Name-Grad/Undergrad] headline via email as an attachment (Microsoft Word or PDF) to Dr. Song Gao (

2021 AAG-GISSG Student Honors Paper Competition Result

Please join me in congratulating all the following students who got our Honors Student Paper Competition Awards this year at the AAG2021 Virtual Conference!

Undergraduate Group:
Kexin Chen (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Visualizing the partisan difference of mobility pattern during Covid-19 lockdown, 1st place
Scarlett Rakowska (University of Toronto Mississauga), Green Space Accessibility at Ontario Elementary Schools and School Performance, runner-up

Graduate Group: Bing Zhou (Texas A&M University), VictimFinder: Harvesting Rescue Requests in Disaster Response from Social Media with BERT, 1st place
Zhen Liu (Clark University), Stratified random sampling generates the Total Operating Characteristic to compare flood index maps, runner-up 
Wataru Morioka (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Exact Statistical Method for Analyzing Co-location on a Street Network and Its Computational Implementation, finalist
Jinwoo Park (Texas A&M University), Examining 24-hour fluctuation of spatial accessibility from temporal dynamics in supply, demand, and mobility: a case study of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in southeast Seoul, the Republic of Korea, finalist

Thanks to the GISS review committee members’ efforts and all people who have participated in our online presentation session.  Hope we can meet in person next year.

GISSG Board Committee

GISS Specialty Group Activities at AAG2021

As we are nearing the Annual meeting of AAG, we wanted to highlight the sessions that the Geographic Information Systems and Science Specialty Group (GISSG) is sponsoring this year. Despite the virtual format of the conference, the GISSG will host and co-host 45 sessions. Highlights include the following:

Tobler Lecture Series – This is the GISSG’s signature lecture series. This year we will host Dr. Elizabeth Delmelle and Dr. Robert Roth in a back-to-back plenary, who will showcase the significant contributions of geographers to the GIScience discipline.

Best Student Paper Competition – Every year, GISSG hosts best student paper competition. These papers highlight the advancements in the GIScience discipline from a methodological and application perspective. Please join us in getting a glimpse into the future of GIScience discipline through the lens of upcoming researchers.

Geospatial Health Symposium – There are six sessions organized as part of this symposium that focus on spatiotemporal modeling of COVID-19 and other public health issues including substance use that has increased during the pandemic. The sessions also highlight the role of GIScience fundamentals in understanding, modeling and visualizing public health related research.

Symposium of Human Dynamics Research – This symposium will also host six sessions that focus on the role of spatiotemporal analytics, static and dynamic big data and geo-visualization in exploring, modeling and visualizing the interaction between human and natural systems across space and time.

Spaces of Education – The COVID_19 pandemic highlighted the vulnerability of our current educational system. These sessions reflect on the use and impact of geospatial technologies and techniques in education that can be used to build a GIScience education resilient to changing conditions.

Towards Computational Praxis for Social Justice – Like many issues, the COVID_19 pandemic has brought forth to our attention the issue of social justice, which is though not new, has fallen off the radar. These sessions are highlighting the role of computation and GIS in exploring social justice issues while exposing the nuances of using different techniques and technologies to study social justice.

The complete information of sessions sponsored by the GISS Specialty Group is listed below:

273474/708:00-09:15Virtual 38Challenges and opportunities presented to battle pandemics in urban spacesPaperTilottama Ghosh
282444/708:00-09:15Virtual 1Career Mentoring (Opportunity 1 of 6)NetworkMark Revell
276434/709:35-10:50Virtual 32Towards Computational Praxis for Social Justice IIPaperAlbina Gibadullina
270884/711:10-12:25Virtual 46Geospatial Knowledge Graphs and OntologyPaperAlexandre Sorokine
276454/713:30-14:45Virtual 32Towards Computational Praxis for Social Justice IVPaperCorrine Armistead
282454/708:00-09:15Virtual 1Career Mentoring (Opportunity 2 of 6)NetworkMark Revell
269624/715:05-16:20Virtual 32Towards Computational Praxis for Social Justice PanelPanelMollie Holmberg
270284/715:05-16:20Virtual 7GIScience and Hazards in the Era of Big DataPaperBandana Kar
273704/716:40-17:55Virtual 7Social Media and Big Data for DisastersPaperBandana Kar
282464/808:00-09:15Virtual 1Career Mentoring (Opportunity 3 of 6)NetworkMark Revell
273134/808:00-09:15Virtual 33Urban Data Science: Theories, Methods, Models, and Applications for Our Changing Cities IPaperQunshan Zhao
274964/809:35-10:50Virtual 33Urban Data Science: Theories, Methods, Models, and Applications for Our Changing Cities IIPaperQunshan Zhao
282474/813:30-14:45Virtual 1Career Mentoring (Opportunity 4 of 6)NetworkMark Revell
271944/813:30-14:45Virtual 40Map Up 1: Relational and Radical MappingsPanelEric Huntley
279264/815:05-16:20Virtual 40Map Up 2: Auditing and AccountabilityPanelTaylor Shelton
272184/816:40-17:55Virtual 48Tobler Lecture and Transactions in GIS Plenary Presentations (Sponsored by Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group)Paper (Tobler Lecture)John Wilson
282484/908:00-09:15Virtual 1Career Mentoring (Opportunity 5 of 6)NetworkMark Revell
280414/908:00-09:15Virtual 22Open Source Data for Assessing Vulnerabilities, Risk & ResiliencePaperNagendra Singh
270134/908:00-09:15Virtual 8Geospatial Health Symposium 5: Mapping and Analyzing the Impacts of COVID-19 Outbreak in Neighborhoods IPaperMing-Hsiang Tsou
276054/909:35-10:50Virtual 16Holocaust & Genocide Geographies 1: MethodsPaperAlberto Giordano
277364/909:35-10:50Virtual 36Spaces of Education IPaperMichael Minn
276044/909:35-10:50Virtual 8Geospatial Health Symposium 5: Mapping and Analyzing the Impacts of COVID-19 Outbreak in Neighborhoods IIPaperAtsushi Nara
282824/909:35-10:50Virtual 63Meet the Cities’ COVID Mitigation Mapping (C2M2) InitiativePanelMelinda Laituri
277514/911:10-12:25Virtual 36Spaces of Education IIPaperMichael Minn
274264/911:10-12:25Virtual 47Critical GeoAIPaperRenee Sieber
270604/913:30-14:45Virtual 9Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Modeling Human Dynamics in Coupled Natural-Human Systems IPaperHeng Cai
270704/915:05-16:20Virtual 14Geographic Information Science and Systems Best Student Paper CompetitionPaperSong Gao
271134/915:05-16:20Virtual 8Geospatial Health Symposium 8: Geography and Substance Use 1PaperKathleen Stewart
274274/915:05-16:20Virtual 9Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Modeling Human Dynamics in Coupled Natural-Human Systems IIPaperHeng Cai
281344/916:40-17:55Virtual 14Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group Business MeetingMeeting
271144/916:40-17:55Virtual 8Geospatial Health Symposium 9: Geography and Substance Use 2PaperJeremy Mennis
282494/1008:00-09:15Virtual 1Career Mentoring (Opportunity 6 of 6)NetworkMark Revell
274044/1008:00-09:15Virtual 9Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Emerging Themes in a Post-pandemic EraPaperShih-Lung Shaw
272594/1009:35-10:50Virtual 16Cognition and Visualization 1PaperAlexander Savelyev
271224/1009:35-10:50Virtual 9Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Mining Human Dynamics with Big Data & Spatio-Temporal AnalysisPaperXining Yang
278694/1011:10-12:25Virtual 4Meet the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI)PanelMichael Scott
274844/1011:10-12:25Virtual 8Geospatial Health Symposium 12 and Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Advances in Dynamic Environmental Exposure, Mobility Patterns, and Health OutcomesPaperMarta Jankowska
273524/1013:30-14:45Virtual 22Earth Observation data in sustainable urban science researchPaperPranab Roy Chowdhury
278714/1015:05-16:20Virtual 1Meet certified GIS Professionals (aka GISPs)PanelClancy Wilmott
274154/1015:05-16:20Virtual 21GIS methods to analyze land changePaperThomas Bilintoh
271524/1016:40-17:55Virtual 9Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: University Consortium for Geographic Information Science – Cyberinfrastructure and Decision Support Systems Research InitiativePaperZhe Zhang
278834/1108:00-09:15Virtual 48Urban Data Science: Theories, Methods, Models, and Applications for Our Changing CitiesPanelQunshan Zhao
274284/1109:35-10:50Virtual 44The Future of Atlases: Practice, Reflection, PotentialPaperAileen Buckley
271464/1109:35-10:50Virtual 8Geospatial Health Symposium 17 and Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Advances in Dynamic Environmental Exposure, Mobility Patterns, and Health OutcomesPaperMarta Jankowska
268894/1111:10-12:25Virtual 9Symposium on Human Dynamics Research: Mapping, Modeling and Prediction with VGIPaperGuiming Zhang

Thank you very much for your support to the AAG-GISS community. We look forward to ‘seeing’ you at AAG2021!

The AAG-GISS Specialty Group

Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Enhancing diversity, promoting inclusion, and broadening participation in the discipline of geography and GIScience are goals that are central to the AAG-GISS Speciality Group and its mission. The AAG-GISS Group will actively engage in outreach and research activities to promote diversity and inclusion within the geography and GIScience communities. We will include data from a variety of sources about our membership and department composition so that our activities will consider the needs and conditions of all our members. If there is anything that we can do to help enhance diversity, promote inclusion, and broaden participation, please feel free to reach out to us anytime (Chair: Bandana Kar [karb at], Communication Director: Lei Zou [lzou at]).

More details about AAG-related Diversity and Inclusion Programs and Activities could be found in

2021 AAG Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group Annual Student Paper Competition

The Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group (GISS-SG) of the Association of American Geographers is pleased to announce the 2021 Honors Competition for Student Papers on Geographic Information Science topics to be presented at the annual meeting. The purpose of this competition is to promote scholarship and written and oral presentations by students in the field of GIS. Papers are invited from current graduate and undergraduate students on any topic in geographical information systems and geographic information science.

Please see detailed information under the menu Awards –> Student Paper Competition link.

We have successfully invited six students to participate in the 2021 AAG-GISS group Student Paper Competition. Congratulations! More details about the student paper competition could be found in

GISS Board of Directors 2020 Election Results

Dear GISS specialty group members,
Hope you are doing well! It is with great pleasure that we announce the winners of this year’s GISS election!

  • Bandana Kar (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) will be succeeding to Chair, following her 2-year term as Vice-Chair 

Please welcome our new officers: 

  • Ran Wei as Vice-Chair (University of California, Riverside)
  • Song Gao as Academic Director (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
  • Lei Zou as Communications Director (Texas A & M, College Station)
  • Jordan Burnes as Commercial Director (NiyamIT)
  • Emily Zvolanek as Government Director (Argonne National Laboratory)
  • Avipsa Roy as student director  (Arizona State University)

Congratulations to these new officers and we look forward to the service they will provide our community! Thanks to all those  who expressed their willingness to serve the GISS community in this election.  We are also deeply thankful for the outgoing officers for their service and dedication to the specialty group. It has truly been a pleasure working with all of you.

This is also marks the end of my term as Chair of GISS. It has been a pleasure serving this community and I feel we accomplished many important things including modernizing the constitution (which was last modified in 1988). I want to extend a special thanks to Zachary Christman for his dedication both as a chair but particularly as the chair emeritus who worked along side me through the last 2 years. His contributions, guidance, and encouragement were indispensable. I look forward to working alongside Dr. Kar in her term as Chair as she moves GISS forward over the coming years.

Thanks for your service and collaboration, and I am always glad to continue to offer guidance and support in the years ahead. 


Robert Stewart

Chair, AAG Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group

2020 AAG Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group Annual Best Student Paper Competition Winners

Please join us to congratulate the following students who won the 2020 AAG-GISS Best Student Paper Competition:

1st place:  Yuhao Kang, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Advisor: Song Gao.

Paper Title: Human settlement value assessment from a place perspective considering human mobility and perception in house price modeling

2nd place: Seonga Cho, University of California at Santa Barbara; Advisor: Gunhak Lee.

Paper Title: Spatio-temporal optimization applying competitive location model and greedy algorithm

Final list honor mention: 

Dong Liu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Advisor: Mei-Po Kwan.

Paper Title: Identification of Vehicles’ Refueling Activities Using Space-Time GIS