Category Archives: Awards

2024 AAG-GISSG Student Honors Paper Competition Result

I hope you are having a fantastic time at the AAG 2024 Annual Conference. 

On behalf of the AAG Geographic Information Science and Systems (GISS) Specialty Group, I am very pleased to announce the winners of this year’s student honors paper competition: 

Graduate Group

1st place ($700):

Nemin Wu, University of Georgia, Spatial-temporal Explicit Deep Gravity Model (STExDGM) for Origin-Destination Flow Generation

2nd place ($450):

Hao Tian, Texas A&M University, Unveiling Human Mobility Dynamics during Heat Waves Using Mobile Phone Location Data in the Houston Metropolitan Area

3rd place ($300):

Jacob Kruse, University of Wisconsin–Madison, The Spatially-Weighted Temporal Rich Club: Identifying Rich Clubs in Spatiotemporal Interaction Networks

Honorable mentions ($200 each):

Yifei Liu, University of California, Santa Barbara, An Advanced Time-geographic Approach for Analyzing Spatio-temporal Interactions between Turkey Vultures

Hanlin Zhou, University of Toronto, Associating Dynamic Built Environmental Exposures and Active Transport

Congratulations to all student winners!  Many thanks to the GISS BOD review committee and all participants for joining us yesterday! 

We are looking forward to next year’s student paper competition!  


2023 AAG-GISSG Student Honors Paper Competition Result

Dear GISS community, 

I hope you are having a fantastic time at the AAG 2024 Annual Conference. 

On behalf of the AAG Geographic Information Science and Systems (GISS) Specialty Group, I am very pleased to announce the winners of this year’s student honors paper competition: 

Graduate Group

1st place ($700):

Han Wang, Peking University, GWRBoost: A geographically weighted gradient boosting method for explainable quantifications of spatially varying relationships

2nd place ($450):

Meiliu Wu, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Revealing Racial-Ethnic Segregation with Individual Experienced Segregation Indices Based on Social Media Data: A Case Study in Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim

Binbin Lin, Texas A&M University, Sensing the Pulse of the Pandemic: Demographic Disparities of Public Sentiment toward COVID-19 through Social Media

Honorable mentions ($200 each):

Rongxiang Su, University of California, Santa Barbara, ORTEGA: An open-source Python package for context-aware interaction analysis based on movement data

Wenxin Yang, Arizona State University, Uncertainties in the geographic representation of landscape connectivity metrics for area-based conservation

Xiangyu Ren, San Jose State University, Street crime prediction using a spatial-temporal cokriging method

Jinwen Xu, University of South Florida, Human Dynamics in Natural Hazards – Mining Business Visitation Data during 2021 Winter Storm Uri in Texas

Yu Lan, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, A Web-based Geographic Framework to Detect and Visualize Space-time Clusters of COVID-19

Devin Yongzhao Wu, University of Toronto-Mississauga, Micro-built environment and crime: An approach using street view images and machine learning methods

Undergraduate Group

1st place ($700):

Haoxuan Ge, University of Toronto-Mississauga, Spatial Non-Stationarity Effects of Unhealthy Food Environments and Green Spaces for Type-2 Diabetes in Toronto

2nd place ($450):

Stone Shi, University of California, Santa Barbara, Visualize Sustainable Land Use in the Tropical Maya Forest: Revitalizing the Old Tikal Map for New Geospatial Analyses

Congratulations to all student winners!  Many thanks to the GISS BOD review committee and all participants for joining us today! 

We are looking forward to next year’s student paper competition!  


2023 AAG-GISSG Student Honors Paper Competition Result

I hope you are having a fantastic time at the AAG 2023 Annual Conference. 

On behalf of the AAG Geographic Information Science and Systems (GISS) Specialty Group, I am very pleased to announce the winners of this year’s student honors paper competition: 

Graduate Group

1st place ($700):

Han Wang, Peking University, GWRBoost: A geographically weighted gradient boosting method for explainable quantifications of spatially varying relationships

2nd place ($450):

Meiliu Wu, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Revealing Racial-Ethnic Segregation with Individual Experienced Segregation Indices Based on Social Media Data: A Case Study in Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim

Binbin Lin, Texas A&M University, Sensing the Pulse of the Pandemic: Demographic Disparities of Public Sentiment toward COVID-19 through Social Media

Honorable mentions ($200 each):

Rongxiang Su, University of California, Santa Barbara, ORTEGA: An open-source Python package for context-aware interaction analysis based on movement data

Wenxin Yang, Arizona State University, Uncertainties in the geographic representation of landscape connectivity metrics for area-based conservation

Xiangyu Ren, San Jose State University, Street crime prediction using a spatial-temporal cokriging method

Jinwen Xu, University of South Florida, Human Dynamics in Natural Hazards – Mining Business Visitation Data during 2021 Winter Storm Uri in Texas

Yu Lan, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, A Web-based Geographic Framework to Detect and Visualize Space-time Clusters of COVID-19

Devin Yongzhao Wu, University of Toronto-Mississauga, Micro-built environment and crime: An approach using street view images and machine learning methods

Undergraduate Group

1st place ($700):

Haoxuan Ge, University of Toronto-Mississauga, Spatial Non-Stationarity Effects of Unhealthy Food Environments and Green Spaces for Type-2 Diabetes in Toronto

2nd place ($450):

Stone Shi, University of California, Santa Barbara, Visualize Sustainable Land Use in the Tropical Maya Forest: Revitalizing the Old Tikal Map for New Geospatial Analyses

Congratulations to all student winners!  Many thanks to the GISS BOD review committee and all participants for joining us today! 

We are looking forward to next year’s student paper competition!  


2022 AAG-GISSG Student Honors Paper Competition Result

Hi all,

On behalf of the AAG Geographic Information Science and Systems (GIS&S) Specialty Group, I am very pleased to announce the winners of this year’s student honors paper competition: 

1st place ($700): Wei Chen, Iowa State University

2nd place ($450):  Hoeyun Kwon, University of Iowa

Honorable mentions ($200 each):  Yanan Wu (The University of Texas at Dallas), Fangzheng Lyu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Karl Tacheron (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Congratulations to all student winners!  Many thanks to the GISS BOD review committee and all participants for joining us today! 

We are looking forward to next year’s student paper competition!  


2022 AAG-GISS Student Honors Paper Competition

AAG Meeting: New York City and Virtual – February 25 – March 1, 2022

The Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group (GISS-SG) of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) is pleased to announce the 2022 Honors Competition for Student Papers on Geographic Information Science topics to be presented at the annual meeting. The purpose of this competition is to promote scholarship and written and oral presentations by students in the field of GIS. Papers are invited from current graduate and undergraduate students on any topic in geographical information systems and geographic information science.

Any paper that advances any aspect of GIS is welcome. We encourage papers on theoretical, conceptual, and methodological developments in GIS as well as on particular innovative GIS applications. Papers must be based upon original work, completed as an undergraduate or graduate student, relevant to the field of GIS and current GIS research. Papers must be mainly written by the applicant, but having co-authors is allowed. Students who are selected as finalists will be placed in a special session at the annual meeting. The only exception is a student who is also selected as a Nystrom Dissertation Award finalist, in which case, he or she may present in the Nystrom paper session instead.

Enhancing diversity, promoting inclusion, and broadening participation in the discipline of geography are goals that are central to the AAG and its mission. We strongly encourage female students and students in underrepresented groups in geography to participate in this competition.


October 28, 2021 – extended abstract and registration PIN due to Dr. Song Gao at

February 1, 2022 – for finalists, full paper due to Dr. Song Gao at

Note:  prior to extended abstract submission you must submit your conference abstract on the AAG website at which point you will obtain your PIN. This year AAG also provides a choice of virtual participation. 


Up to five finalists (one session) will be selected including 2 undergraduate and 3 graduate students on the basis of the quality of extended abstracts and provided with an award of $200 each to present at the conference (in person or virtual). The extended abstract no longer than 5 pages demonstrating GIS novel methods, toolkits, or applications of GIS to solve a real-world problem is used by the GISS-SG Awards Committee to choose the competition finalists. Finalists must submit a paper of a substantive nature that constitutes an expanded discussion of the material to be presented orally at the annual meeting. Subsequent to the oral presentations by the finalists, there will be special awards for the 1st and 2nd-place presenters. The prizes of $500 for 1st place and $250 for 2nd place in the graduates group and $500 for 1st place in the undergraduates group will be determined immediately following the special presentation session.

The awards committee reserves the right to not offer such prizes if the papers are not of sufficiently high quality. The 1st and 2nd-place awards are decided on the basis of the written paper and the oral presentation. They will also receive tickets to attend the AAG Awards Luncheon, and results of the competition will be published in the AAG Newsletter and the GISS-SG newsletter, as well as on the specialty group’s web page.


The competition is open to students at all academic levels. Any paper first-authored and presented by a student is eligible for the competition, provided the paper has not already been published or presented somewhere. There is no limitation on the number of co-authors, however, the applicant student is required to be the first author.

Applicants must be a current member of the AAG GISS Specialty Group (GISS-SG). For instructions on how to become a member of the Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group, simply contact the AAG. There are no student dues for the GISS-SG.


Extended abstracts and written papers will be judged by the GISS-SG Awards Committee (Chair, Vice Chair, Academic Director, Communications Director, and Student Director) on several criteria: potential contribution to the field of GIS, originality, appropriate use of methodology, scholarship, organization, and written composition. The oral presentation of papers will be judged on professional delivery, organization, clarity, and appropriate use of graphics. Judging will take into account the academic level of the applicants.


Up to five competition finalists will be notified by November 2, 2021. Each finalist will be asked to submit a written paper of about 4,000 words, expanding on the material in the extended abstract.

This paper will be due no later than February 1, 2022. Details about the final written paper are provided lower on this page.


To be considered for participation in the GIS paper competition, an extended abstract must be submitted (about 1000 words, no more than 5 pages including figures; references don’t count to the page limit) (12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and single-spaced lines). Applicants must clearly indicate that they wish to be considered for the GISS-SG Student Paper Competition. All submissions not accepted for the competition by the awards committee will be incorporated into the AAG meeting program in other sessions.

Students can use the WORD Template or Latex Template for extended abstract submissions.

Applicants must also submit an AAG participant number which is issued when successfully registering for the AAG meeting (in other words, you must register for the AAG virtual meeting and submit a short abstract using the AAG’s registration website, before submitting your longer abstract to the GISS-SG competition). The extended abstract and participant code (PIN) are due to the GISS-SG Academic Director. Please send abstracts with [GISS-Name-Grad/Undergrad] headline via email as an attachment (Microsoft Word or PDF) to Dr. Song Gao (

2021 AAG-GISSG Student Honors Paper Competition Result

Please join me in congratulating all the following students who got our Honors Student Paper Competition Awards this year at the AAG2021 Virtual Conference!

Undergraduate Group:
Kexin Chen (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Visualizing the partisan difference of mobility pattern during Covid-19 lockdown, 1st place
Scarlett Rakowska (University of Toronto Mississauga), Green Space Accessibility at Ontario Elementary Schools and School Performance, runner-up

Graduate Group: Bing Zhou (Texas A&M University), VictimFinder: Harvesting Rescue Requests in Disaster Response from Social Media with BERT, 1st place
Zhen Liu (Clark University), Stratified random sampling generates the Total Operating Characteristic to compare flood index maps, runner-up 
Wataru Morioka (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Exact Statistical Method for Analyzing Co-location on a Street Network and Its Computational Implementation, finalist
Jinwoo Park (Texas A&M University), Examining 24-hour fluctuation of spatial accessibility from temporal dynamics in supply, demand, and mobility: a case study of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in southeast Seoul, the Republic of Korea, finalist

Thanks to the GISS review committee members’ efforts and all people who have participated in our online presentation session.  Hope we can meet in person next year.

GISSG Board Committee

Call for Abstracts: 2020 AAG Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group Annual Student Paper Competition

The Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group (GISS-SG) of the Association of American Geographers is pleased to announce the 2020 Honors Competition for Student Papers on Geographic Information Science topics to be presented at the annual meeting. The purpose of this competition is to promote scholarship and written and oral presentation by students in the field of GIS. Papers are invited from current graduate and undergraduate students on any topic in geographical information systems and geographic information science.

Please see detailed information under the menu Awards –> Student Paper Competition link.